Thursday, April 16, 2009

World's 1st cloned camel born in Dubai

The first-ever camel cloned in the world, Injaz (Achievement), has been born at the Camel Reproduction Centre in Dubai, UAE. "We are all very excited at the birth of Injaz as she is the result of the great skill and teamwork of everyone at the Camel Reproduction Centre," scientific director of the Camel Reproduction Centre, Lulu Skidmore, said on Tuesday. "This significant breakthrough in our research program at the CRC gives a means of preserving the valuable genetics of our elite racing and milk producing camels in the future," the scientist added. According to the center, the female camel was born April 8 after an uncomplicated gestation of 378 days. "Injaz, who is 30 kilos (during birth), seems to be happy and is doing all the right things so far," Skidmore explained. The clone was produced using DNA which was extracted from cells from the ovaries of an animal that was slaughtered in 2005. Camels, a valuable commodity in Arab countries, are used for racing and transport. They are famous for healthy low-fat milk and can fetch owners millions of dollars at camel beauty contests. In 1996, the first cloned animal of the world, Dolly, was born in Edinburgh. The sheep, which died in 2003, was considered one of the world's most significant breakthroughs.


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