Monday, April 20, 2009

Iran introduces $100K Avicenna award

Iran has introduced a $100,000 international award in commemoration of the celebrated Persian philosopher and scientist, Avicenna. The award will be given in five categories to researchers who have done scientific or cultural research on the polymath figure. The Avicenna award will be presented at the international conference on Avicenna's philosophy and Avicennian logic, which will be held in the city of Hamedan where the great philosopher has been laid to rest. “The conference aims to introduce Avicenna's philosophical theories as well as the historical and cultural aspects of Hamedan,” said Hamedan governor, Behrouz Moradi. Also known as Shaykh al-Ra'is (Master and Head), Avicenna wrote about 450 works, of which only 240 have survived. Some 150 of his books are on philosophy and 40 on medicine. Avicenna is regarded as the father of modern medicine and his magnum opus is the immense encyclopedic work of the Kitab al-Shifa (The Book of Healing). Many literary and scientific figures were influenced by Avicenna, including the renowned poet Omar Khayyam and the celebrated 13-century scientist Khwaja Nasir al-Din at-Tusi. The life of Avicenna has been documented in the "Life of Avicenna", written by his disciple Jorjani (Sorsanus).


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